*包含IP 安全(与Win2K/WinXP 上秘密端口)
* 多数TCP都通过代理连接
* 能通过'PORT'与'PASV'命令使用FTP
* SMTP relay filtering
* SSL 支持
* 运行所有 Windows上的一种服务程序
* 能记录所有数据
* 非常好的网络调试程序
* 能重定向许多端口
1.启用: 启用/停止端口映射
2.输入端口和捆绑地址: 内部网的某一台计算机端口与IP地址
3.输出端口和输出地址: 代理服务器出口的端口和IP地址或域名
4.缓冲大小: if you filll porttunnel is slowing down you through put,
5.try increasing this value. (only likely to be necessary on very high volume connections)
6.最大连接数目: allows you to define how many connections can be using the mapping at once (connections attempts above this will be blocked)。
7.Force OOB inline: fixes a few issues with some ftp clients (I‘ve only seen it needed with Bullet Proof FTP client)
********** [ IP 安全操作 ] **********
main text window: enter the IPs you want to accept/block.
search for ip: allows you ask which line will decide the result of a connection request from a choosen IP.
redirect bad IPs: allows you to redirect 'blocked' ips to a different ip/port.
if this is ticked and has 0 for the port or a blank address, the IP will be blocked.
if this is ticked and doesn't have 0 for the port and doesn't doesn't a blank address, the IP will be redirected.
if this is un ticked and you are using win2k/xp then the IP will be blocked, and the port placed in stealth mode (the client doesn't receive any reply to the attempted connection - they will just time out as though there was no server PC at the address/port at all)
if this is un ticked and you are not using win2k/xp. the IP will be blocked.
advanced stuff ........
to use an external file for the ips, do something like the following
1. in the IP Security tab, enter
2. create c:\valid_ips.txt, and use the same syntax inside it eg.
// etc
and then every time you modify c:\valid_ips.txt, porttunnel will notice, and reload it. (it checks the date/time stamp every 30 seconds). so have your perl script (or whatever method you choose) generate/update c:\valid_ips.txt whenever you want. you can even 'nest' these files, ie have one c:\valid_ips.txt include another file with the 'i' syntax. you can also have multiple includes, etc. here's an example I just typed up, to show you the flexibility ....
----- [start example] -----
----- [in ftp port mapping IP security tab] -----
----- [end] -----
----- [in irc port mapping IP security tab] -----
----- [end] -----
----- [in file c:\ftp_valid_ips.txt] -----
y, // a friend I let use ftp
----- [end] -----
----- [in file c:\irc_valid_ips.txt] -----
y, // a friend I let use irc
----- [end] -----
----- [in file c:\global_ok_list.txt] -----
y, // a friend I let use every thing
----- [end] -----
----- [in file c:\global_ban_list.txt] -----
n, // a lamer I hate
----- [end] -----
----- [end example] -----
try studying the default stuff in the IP Security tab, that has simple examples showing the syntax.
********** [ end IP Security options ] **********
********** [ 日志记录操作 ] **********
连接: 记录连接的信息(并且详细断开)和错误
所有数据: 有关调试问题数据保存在这个文件夹
写状态: 接收与发送的有关信息保存在这个文件中
d Day of month as digits with no leading zero for single-digit days.
dd Day of month as digits with leading zero for single-digit days.
ddd Day of week as a three-letter abbreviation.
dddd Day of week as its full name.
M Month as digits with no leading zero for single-digit months.
MM Month as digits with leading zero for single-digit months.
MMM Month as a three-letter abbreviation.
MMMM Month as its full name.
y Year as last two digits, but with no leading zero for years less than 10.
yy Year as last two digits, but with leading zero for years less than 10.
yyyy Year represented by full four digits.
gg Period/era string. This element is ignored if the date to be formatted does not have an associated era or period string.
For example, to the following
Wed, Aug 31 94
use the following string
dd',' MMM dd yy
h Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock
hh Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock
H Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock
HH Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock
m Minutes with no leading zero for single-digit minutes
mm Minutes with leading zero for single-digit minutes
s Seconds with no leading zero for single-digit seconds
ss Seconds with leading zero for single-digit seconds
t One character time marker string, such as A or P
tt Multicharacter time marker string, such as AM or PM
For example, to get the following
11:29:40 PM
use the following string
hh':'mm':'ss tt
********** [ 日志记录结束 ] **********
- WinRAR Final(正版KEY/无视文件锁定)v2 烈火汉化特别版v3.93
- HyperSnap 烈火汉化绿色版(专业级抓图工具)8.11.00v8.11.00
- 卡巴斯基企业版KSOS (FS)服务器版(多用户五年授权版) 汉化正式版v9.1.0.59
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- 波尔远程控制(远程监控管理) 简体绿色版v9.1
- 风行 官方最新版v3.0.6.95
- 星云游戏修改器(修改游戏中所有的数值) 简体绿色版v2.42
- Photoshop CC 32位中文便携版 v15.2.2.310
- MTV电子相册视频制作软件 中文注册版v4.71
- GreenBrowser 多国语言绿色版6.9.0517
- 浪人算牌之联众双扣 绿色版1.37
- EmFTP Professional(很好的和EmEditor配合进行使用)汉化绿色特别版V2.02.2
- Foxit Reader官方版(小巧PDF阅读器)
- 高效e人专业版 中文注册版v5.60 Build 555
- 轻松水印(专业图象加水印工具)简体绿色特别版v6.61
- Winamp 官方多语完整版(高保真的音乐播放) Build 3402v5.70
- 置顶 江苏扬州电信 网友 偏爱你侧脸
- 置顶 辽宁本溪电信 网友 凉生
- 置顶 河北廊坊联通 网友 心似狂潮
能运行就好 好多都被屏蔽了 感谢
- 置顶 广西玉林电信 网友 这样就好
- 置顶 广东梅州电信 网友 甜诱少女
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